I am so tired of hearing out stories that do not interest me.
They drain my energy.Much to my angst-drain my cerebral cortex.so if you do not have anything good to talk about, much more if i cannot relate to any story (or characters in your story)-please do not be specific and tell me the nitty gritty.
Yet i am the type of person who finds it hard to shoo away people of this sort.I am too kind and illogical to do that.Oh yes, and i can be sensitive to insensitive people as well. So, this is sort of a preface to people who want to delve into the chapters of my life and personality.
So here's some of the typical characteristics of the Psychic Vampire:
1. They tell you several things about their lives but you are not close, or at least you used to be.
2. They mention a lot of names, and persons whom you haven't met.
3. They tell you part two of the stories which they thought they've already told you, or they tell you stories they have already told you-twice.
4. They think you understand them.
5. You are trying hard to understand them.
6. They are not reading this.
7. You wish they are reading this.
8. when you are with them, you suddenly wish you were busy working.
Bottomline is-you are disinterested. So unlike me, i suggest you start cleaning up these people so they won't affect anyone else.Be responsible and be good.Help me and be humane.
Do the right thing.
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